Five Girl Boss rules my Mom taught me!

Coming from a humble middle class Indian family and being a 25-year-old, Author, Chartered Accountant, Podcaster, Life coach and Entrepreneur, is a big deal and when people ask me how did I do it? I have only one answer! My Parents! My mom who has always bestowed upon me the habits, principles and mindset that has made me what I am today and my dad who always supports me, no matter what!
On this occasion of Mother’s Day, I want to share some GIRL BOSS rules that my Mom has taught me which has made me a True Girl Boss.
If you are someone who is just starting out and is on a quest to fulfill your dreams, who wants to make an impact in the world, who wants to thrive in every area of life, these rules will help you to become the best version of yourself!
Rule 1 – Give, give, give, receive! – When I read, Gary Vaynerchuk’s book “Jab, Jab, Jab, right hook!”, where he said to “First give value, then give value, keep giving value to your audience and then ask for a sale”, I was really surprised how this habit was already imbibed in me by my mom. She is a giver. She helplessly gives, gives and gives value but without expecting anything in return. But this principle is so true in your business. Without giving value to your audience, without helping them solve their problem, if you just keep selling, marketing and blowing your own hoot, it’s never going to work!” Thanks to my mom, this principle is something that helps me in my business every single day.
Rule 2 – Have good intentions always – I have never heard my mom, wishing bad for anyone, no matter how bad their intentions were. She always believes in the law of karma i.e. what goes around, comes around! She says, “Always keep your intentions good but do not waste your time proving it”. People, things, circumstances, that really matter will stay in your life! It is not in your hands to control situations but what you can control is having great intentions and staying on your game no matter what!”.

Rule 3 – Always keep yourself busy – Empty mind is a devil’s workshop and I have firsthand experience in it. When I am doing nothing (which rarely happens now), I have strange and bad thoughts bubble up in my mind. Everyone knows what power our thoughts can have in our lives. Thoughts create things, right! I have never seen my mom, doing nothing. She is always busy! This habit is what makes me a hustler and makes me get things done. Keeping things organized, planning and scheduling and then working on those things with compassion are my secret sauce ingredients, which I got from my “Mom’s recipe for success!”.
Rule 4 – Be a strength for those around you – How did I learn the leadership qualities? Guess? Obviously! My Mom! She has always been our family’s strength. Being a leader is all about, great decision-making abilities, working with honesty, compassion and integrity, being a great communicator and leading in the right direction. It is not losing hope, when things go out of control, it is empathizing with others and motivating them. As an Entrepreneur and a leader, you are supposed to have all these qualities and I could not be lucky enough to learn this practically from my Mom.
Rule 5 – Everything can be figured out through prayer and action – Entrepreneurial journey is no cakewalk. There are million and one things to do, hundred and one problems come up and it is so easy to get overwhelmed and to give up. There have been times, when I was on the verge of giving up. There were times and even today, there are times, when things do not work as planned out, things go wrong, where I feel completely lost and panicky.
But during my toughest times, it is my mom’s words “Everything can be figured out through prayer and actions!” is what helps me keep going. Praying with good intentions, having so much faith that you surrender everything to the God/Universe and then keep doing your work, is what the solution to all my problems is.
Following these Girl boss rules will not only make you a successful entrepreneur but will make you the best version of yourself which will ultimately help you lead a more fulfilling life!
Wishing you all a very Happy Mother’s Day!
About the author:

Bansi Patel, CEO and co-founder of Youniverseway
Bansi Patel is a Chartered Accountant, Author of the Bestselling book “Mingling with the Universe”, Certified Life coach, Podcaster and co-founder of “Youniverseway” which is an online platform where they provide strategies, tools, resources and teachings on the four areas of Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Manifestation and Mindset.
Youniverseway’s mission is to “Inspire you for an Inspired Living!”

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